Mosquito Control
Mosquito Control Overview

Wise property owners partner with a trusted mosquito control exterminator such as 603 Pest Control to schedule regular mosquito treatments such as mosquito yard spraying.
Mosquitoes are a common seasonal pest in the northeast, much like spiders and ants. Beginning in the Spring, and all the way through to the first frost, mosquitoes pose an active threat to people’s health and well-being
Mosquito Control Solutions
603 Pest Control offers a dedicated mosquito and tick control service contract that residential and commercial clients can purchase separately, or in addition to their quarterly protection service contract.
Our mosquito treatment service is ongoing, typically from May through September. Since the effectiveness of each application lasts approximately 30 days, treatments are overlapped to maximize continuous benefit.
Our professional mosquito control service treats targeted areas with a mosquito control repellant as well as an EPA-registered and labeled material.
Our target mosquito treatment area is the underside of leaves or tall wet grass, which are breeding areas for adult females. When females land on the mosquito treatment, they pick up enough material to die, and it also repels other mosquitoes.
How to Identify Mosquito Activity Around Your Home or Property
Mosquitoes are small, flying insects approximately one third of an inch long, and the three segments of their bodies are the head, thorax, and abdomen. Female mosquitoes use their tube-like mouthparts to pierce a host to access blood.
Females do not fly well, and they often land on the underside of leaves and in tall grass.
Mosquitoes can be seen and heard outside primarily at dusk and in the early morning hours.
Disease and Property Damage that Mosquitoes Can Cause
Considered the deadliest animal family in the world, mosquitoes are infamous transmitters of diseases such as Malaria, West Nile virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and most recently, the Zika virus.
Mosquitoes are attracted to warm human beings. Their bites cause most people to experience a painful or itchy rash on the bite area, which is caused by the mosquito’s saliva.
They do not typically go into homes or buildings, except for when a window or door is left open.
Mosquitoes do not cause physical property damage. However, people in homes and businesses without mosquito and tick control risk not being able to use their pools and outside spaces, for fear of uncomfortable or potentially disease-causing mosquito bites.
Mosquito Biology
Mosquitoes require water to breed, yet they can lay their eggs in as little as a thimble-size pool of standing water. They four stages of the mosquito lifecycle are egg, larva, pupa, and adult, and the first three stages occur in water. The lifespan of mosquitoes ranges from a week to several months. Female mosquitoes are the only ones that bite.