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Tick Spraying For Yards
Tick Spraying Overview
Tick spraying for yards requires a skilled pest control specialist. Property owners can depend on 603 Pest Control Services™ as their local certified tick control solution to provide safe and professional services. We perform regular tick yard spraying that results in fast and effective tick control for your family.
Tick Spraying Near You From Our Main Office in Hooksett, NH
Adult ticks are most active from March to mid-May, and from mid-August to November. However, they can be active anytime the temperature is above freezing. During colder months, most ticks take shelter in leaf litter and lay dormant until Spring. Adult deer ticks (black-legged ticks), however, remain active year-round.
Spraying For Ticks Solutions
Tick Control for yards by 603 Pest Control specialists, spray a tick yard treatment along the four vertical feet up from the ground along the wood line of a property. This spraying for ticks method is quite effective and is a guaranteed pest extermination service.
For clients who select our mosquito and tick control services, both pests are treated in the same service. We treat four feet and up for mosquitoes, and four feet and down for ticks.
How to Identify Tick Activity Around Your Home or Property
Deer ticks, like other ticks, have flat bodies. They have six legs in the larval stage, and adult and nymph deer ticks have eight legs.
An unfed adult female black-legged tick is approximately 3-5 millimeters long and red and brown in color.
Male deer ticks are orange or brown. Nymphs are about the size of a pinhead, and larvae are even smaller, about the size of a poppy seed. After they’ve eaten blood from a host, ticks appear darker and may double in size.
Ticks can be found in many places, including tall grass, well-traveled beaten paths in wooded areas, around playgrounds, and underneath leaf clutter. Because they are so small, ticks are difficult to spot outside, so it’s wise protect any exposed flesh from ticks before spending time outdoors.
Disease and Property Damage that Ticks Can Cause
Deer ticks are major vectors of disease. They can carry Lyme disease, and their bites can cause Powasan Encephalitis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, tick paralysis, typhus, and more.
Tick bites are often painless. The first sign of a tick bite is redness around the bite or the appearance of the tick itself after it has eaten enough blood to expand in size.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease every year. Lyme disease is the commonly reported vector-borne illness in the country, and it is especially prevalent in New England.
Tick Biology
Ticks are active and will feed on blood throughout all stages of their two-year life cycle. Female deer ticks die after laying eggs – up to 3,000 of them – and from those eggs emerge tick larvae. The larvae feed on a host for several days before shedding their skin and becoming nymphs. After nymphs feed, they molt again and enter the adult stage. Earlier stage ticks prefer smaller hosts such as mice, while adults prefer larger animals, like deer, livestock, and humans. Ticks pick up diseases in earlier stages and typically transmit them to human hosts as nymphs and adults.
Named deer ticks because they often feed on white-tailed deer, they are common to the eastern U.S. They are also are known to feed on certain species of mice. Mice are other hosts with the capability of transmitting Lyme disease-causing bacteria.