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Yellow Jacket Removal

Yellow Jacket Nest Removal Overview

Yellow jacket nest removal in New Hampshire is best left to an experienced yellow jacket exterminator.  

Yellow jackets (or yellowjackets) are common predatory insects that are active from July through October.  Yellow jackets make large nests for their colonies, and aggressively defend their nests.

A single yellow jacket can sting multiple times, so it is critical for property owners to entrust consistent yellow jacket removal to the yellow jacket pest control professionals at 603 Pest Control.

Yellow Jacket Nest Removal Solutions 

Yellow Jacket nest removal requires drilling by a qualified professional yellow jacket exterminator.   Drilling enables yellow jacket removal through access and puncturing of the nest. 

How to Identify Yellow Jacket Activity Around Your Home or Property

Yellow jackets are hairless, with black with yellow on their head, and yellow stripes (or bands) around their narrow, wasp-like abdomens. Their face is mostly yellow, and their eyes appear black.   

Yellow jackets are bee-sized, and make sounds such as buzzing, humming or ticking. 

They make large nests in the ground for their colonies, where high concentration of yellow striped bees will be visible in certain spot in your yard.

Yellow jackets also create nests between floors of homes and buildings, and in the attic between the insulation and ceiling. Unlike paper wasp nests, yellow jacket nests have combs inside.  

Yellow jacket nests can be the size and shape of a basketball, or elongated to fit between attic floor joists above ceilings.

Disease and Property Damage Yellow Jackets Can Cause

Yellow jackets are very aggressive, and sting even when unprovoked. More aggressive than other bees and wasps, yellow jackets can sting multiple times, since they do not lose their stinger each time.  

Yellow jackets are attracted to light, and they will chew a hole through the ceiling to enter the home or building and sting people and pets.